Thursday, April 9, 2009

Bangkok, last day

Hey hey,

Thanks for all the comments in last post. This Monday we woke up at bright and shiny at 7 AM to go and get the bikes out from customs. We took a 1 hour taxi to the shipping agency, we were supposed to be there at 9 Am. The manager was going to take us to the port to get the bikes. After sitting in a waiting room and filling out one form we finally left to the port and got there at 1PM. We signed one form when we got there and then pointed to wait in the waiting room. After waiting for few hours we were started to be quite enjoyed and thought we would not see the bikes this day. The offices were supposed to close at 4:30. Our agent was ruining around the last 30 min with our papers and somehow managed to keep the customs open for an extra half an hour. So finally around 5:30 they took us to the bikes. Then we had to assemble the bikes, and I don't think they realized how long that was going to take. But after 2-3 hours and a hand from four security guys, the bikes where ready to go.
The port is in a other side of Bangkok from our hostel. Bravely I decided it was no problem to get there having the GPS and my superb navigational skills. We just had to find one rode that would take us across Bangkok. The first 5 minutes went smoothly, then little but later when I was overtaking a stationary car I did hit him. 10 minutes of driving and the first crass, not a bad effort. I had forgotten how wide the bike was with the side cases and the case did hit the cars rear light and made some scratches as well on the body. I offered the guy 1000 bath (50 NZD, 3500 kr.) and he agreed on that. The case and the bike where fine.
Then to make a short story even shorter we managed to cross Bangkok after just a few wrong turns and not knowing where in the hell we where. It took us about 2 hours. The day after we where both not feeling too good, all tyred and I felt hangover. Didn't even drink the night before. But the ride home was so hot, there was not a dry spot on out clothes when we got home. I have never been so hot in my life on this ride. And the pollution, think I made my life three years shorter.

But this is enough for now. We have been making the bikes ready in the last two days. Now they are tip top and we hitting the road tomorrow.....



  1. Hilmar HjörleifssonApril 9, 2009 at 10:31 AM

    jæja það er flott að þið hafið fengið hjólin. góða ferð.
    KV Himmi

  2. Flottur á því bróðir :) gangi ykkur vel og vona að þið farið ekki að klessa mikið meira á.
    kv. óli

  3. Einar Örn HreinssonApril 9, 2009 at 5:27 PM


    Hlakka til að heyra meira...

  4. Oh my goodness, this is going to be fun reading what other mishaps you get yourself into Ingo. Thank god Viggo is there..hahaha.
    You take care and try to look out for stationary cars and careful about 'enjoying' yourself in waiting rooms! Some people may not understand like we do. haha
    Hugs from NZ!

  5. Hihi

    Fall er fararheill :)

    Goda ferd,

  6. Sammála fall er fararheill.
    Góða ferð og skemmtun - hlakka til að heyra meira.

  7. Og gaman væri að sjá myndir af ykkur líka - ekki bara hjólunum :-)

  8. Viggó sagði í gríni við mig áður en hann fór, aðspurður um lengd á ferðalaginu, að Ingó ætti eftir að keyra á á fyrsta degi og fótbrjóta sig. Og vitir menn!!! Fall er fararheill er BULL! Það erum bara við seinheppna fólkið sem notum það.

    Kærar kveðjur Ragnar, Dagný og Álfrún Ösp

  9. Haha vá hvað það gerðist fljótt (árekstur)
    Ég hitti Viggó daginn áður en hann fór og var hann að grínast með að Ingó crassar alltaf :)
    Sá hafði rétt fyrir sér LOL.

    Endilega smellið inn myndum líka.

    Kv. Loftur

  10. Sælir drengir
    Til lukku með að geta nú lagt af stað öðru vísi en gangandi eða á reiðhjóli. Vonandi verða óhöppin ekki fleiri og mútugreiðslur þar af leiðandi minni. Annars hefði verið hætta á að heim á klakann hefðu mætt tveir gamlir og blankir menn (jafnvel timbraðir líka). Farið nú varlega úti í hinum stóra heimi.
    Bestu kveðjur fá Jóa, Björgu, Svanborgu og Sveinbirni.

  11. Lilja EinarsdóttirApril 11, 2009 at 1:59 AM

    Spennan magnast, bíðum spennt eftir næsta pistli :)

    Lilja og Sævar

  12. það verður gaman að fylgjast með þessu hjá ykkur.

    Kv. Hörður Ólafs, nýi læknirinn í Christchurch!

  13. Mér er alveg hætt að lítast á þetta. Það blossa upp óeirðir rétt á eftir að farið frá Bankok. Vona að það verði ekki slóðin á eftir ykkur. Farið bara aðeins hægar.

    Kolbeinn G.

  14. Jæja ég vona að þetta gangi vel hjá ykkur strákar. vera svo duglegir að blogga fylgist vel með ykkur:-)
    Kveðja stóra sys.:-)
