Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Hello friends,

Now we are in Laos in a very touristy town 150 km north of the capital. Really beautiful place, surrounded by high mountains and lying by river. This town reminds me of Queenstown in NZ, really touristy and very beautiful. But back to where we were. 


After out from the Cambodian border we drove 100m to get into Laos. After filling out one arrival card and pay $1 we got our visa stamped and the gate was opened. They did not care we had motorbikes at all. So we kissed Laos soil in only 5 min after arriving at the border. 
Laos immediately showed that this was different from the other two countries we had been through so far. We arrived in remote area of the country but somehow we both felt that this place was nicer then the other two places. Beautiful landscape, cleaner, better roads and almost just everything made this please my favorite so far. Just compare to Cambodia where every second house has the rubbish just piled up around the house. This people don’t seem be w
ealthy but they seem to have a lot of pride. Every town we drive through there are smiling curious children wondering who in the hell those creatures are. 
We went to see waterfalls in the Mekong River after getting into Laos and then we drove to town called Pakse for the first night. Also one of the great difference between Laos and the other two is it is cooler. We are normally not suffering from too much heat here all the day.  


Today we left for a mission to see one of the greatest waterfall in Laos. After driving first on a nice tarmac road that then turned into a tarmac road with almost more holes than not. The road then turned into gravel but still passing trough many towns. But after quite longer drive the rode was getting really narrow and we did not see any sign of life for long time and with the day getting short we where getting a bit worried. But then a locked gate prevented us to go further. And weirdly probably some tribe woman was standing by the gate and kinda pointed us we could not go further. It was getting a bit creepy!! But by putting our minds into race mo
de we got into civilization just before dark. People in Laos seem to do a lot of hunting because that day and the next we sew quite few guys carrying rifles, normally on there scooters. So we did not manage to see the waterfall :-(


  1. flottir á því. endilega henda inn sem flestum myndum og þið getið.

  2. Hi guys

    Sounds really awesome...all green with enwy in NZ
    cheers, Hilmar

  3. Hi there,

    It's great you are both still in good shape, and the bikes too. I have really enjoyed reading the blog, which is my main entertainment because otherwise I am working all the time. Please keep on writing - I love the typos. Looks like you are using the spell checker but it has to guess what you are trying to say - priceless. Take care, Jane.

  4. Sælir strákar

    Gott að heyra að allt gengur að óskum. Það er beðið með spennu eftir næstu myndasýningu í Kópavoginum.

    Kveðja, Gréta mamma

  5. Hæ strákar

    Gott að heyra frá ykkur,halda áfram að njóta ferðarinnar með hausinn á herðunum.
    Það bíða allir eftir myndum.
    Bestu kveðjur
    Dady Jensen

  6. Maður fylgist spenntur með með sorgum og gleði ykkar. Auðvitað að drepast úr öfund!!!!
    Kveðja frá litlu fjöldskilduni á Frakkastígnum..

  7. Lilja Rut litla sysMay 2, 2009 at 7:01 AM

    Oh hvað það lítur út fyrir að vera gaman hjá ykkur. Jæja myndir takk til að lyfta manni upp úr prófmyglunni;-)
