Monday, May 11, 2009

Laos continue 2

Hi guys,

Sorry how lazy Im putting in blog. Now we are in Chiang Mai - Thailand and have sorted out transportation for our bikes from here to Mongolia. We have to do this since we could not get
 into China and Mayanmar (Burma) is also closed for motorbikes. But more about this later as 
we shall now go back in time when we where still in Laos.

Wednesday - Thursday,

Drove from Vientiane after a great brekfast at the scandinavian bakery. After just 170 km we got to our next stop Vang Vieng. This is a really touristy small town with lots of activities around it. The town lies by a river and beoutiful mountains. 

The first day we took it easy but the next day we drove around the area and looked at three caves on the way. After caving went swimming in creek coming from cave so it was possible to swim inside. I got really sunburn this day after riding for long time and forgetting the sunscreen. The nightlife is lively here as there are som many young tourists and on an island in the river are many pubs that the police leave alone. One the law in Laos for example is that all pubs has to be closed at 11:30 PM. 

Friday - Sunday

After a bit of a struggle geting Viggó up and to leave Vang Vieng we finally left. I dont know if it was the great number of pizza resturants that made him want to stay, who knows!! We set off not too early as there was not many km to next destination, Lunag Prabang. Just 230 km. After just few km the road the road the road got really twisty and started to go up the mountains. Our average speed this day was around 50 km/hour on the main road that has
 good tarmac, crazy. Just break, turn, gear down, trotlle on, throttle off, break, turn. I was just so glad we were not in car as they went even much slower. But the senery on this road is great. It goes up to 1300m elevation and then it goes on top of the mountain for quite long time. Also interesting see that people live in such high elevation on top of the mountains.

The next day in Luang Prabang we went elephant riding. That was great fun as we controlled the beast most of the time, not the guide. It was really hot tho and lot of flyes. In the evening we walked around town as well as up a high hill in the middle town and has good views. 

The last day in Luang Prabang we just hang around. The town is nice as it has old French colonial buildings, is clean and people are nice. I think it is like beeing in nice town in europe exept everyting is much cheaper so you feel like king, except Viggó is prins. 

OK I promish to finish the last days in Laos soon :-)

All the pictures from Laos are in now, see here.



  1. Hi again Ingo & Viggo,

    I finally got around to looking at all the photos - thanks for including some geology. I'm pleased to see you are both looking healthy! Shame you can't get the bikes into China - hope they are waiting for you on the other side. Nothing interesting happening here, so I'm still relying on your blog for entertainment. Good luck for the next stage. Cheers! Jane.

  2. Nice ass!
    Mongolia sounds cool
    thorbjorg and phil

  3. Mikið djöfull er gaman að fylgjast með þessu hjá ykkur.

